Get WalletWise by Ken Remsen
Date: 11/21/2021
This groundbreaking future bestseller is a comprehensive personal money management book that provides you a simple, straightforward plan for improving your money habits and money mindset.Get WalletWise will teach you:· How to create a living...
Book Length: 320-650 Pages
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Percheron Gold by Stephen Bill
Date: 11/19/2021
A great untold Franco-American tale.It’s spring 1889 when Irwin Gurd, the young, headstrong son of a struggling Kansas horse trader, defies his father, takes the family nest egg and heads across the ocean to France....
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Book Length: 60-150 Pages
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Expectant Moon by Alexander Elliott
Date: 11/19/2021
Tolerated. Ignored. Threatened. Modern gay shifters struggle for equality, but history paints a different picture. When Alpha Ben Blair challenges the status quo, he unintentionally ignites a controversy which divides the community. While Gladstone soon...
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Book Length: 320-650 Pages
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Doctor Lucky Charms by K.C. Crowne
Date: 11/18/2021
This holiday season, there's more than gingerbread in the oven. I met the hottest man ever...Then proceeded to tell him to shove his money up his Irish rear.It wasn't like I'd run into him ever again.Not like...
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Book Length: 150-320 Pages
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That Fibro…Feeling (That Fibro… Series Book 1) by Nicki Leonie
Date: 11/18/2021
“That Fibro…” series of books are insightful meditative books that use words & pictures to talk of my journey with Fibromyalgia. These books reflect what I have experienced with my Fibromyalgia & how I have coped...
Book Length: 0-60 Pages
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That Fibro…Feeling (That Fibro… Series Book 1) by Nicki Leonie
Date: 11/18/2021
“That Fibro…” series of books are insightful meditative books that use words & pictures to talk of my journey with Fibromyalgia. These books reflect what I have experienced with my Fibromyalgia & how I have coped...
Book Length: 0-60 Pages
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How To Win With Your Data Visualizations: The 5 Part Guide For Junior Analysts To Create Effective Data Visualizations and Engaging Data Stories by Elizabeth Clarke
Date: 11/18/2021
How To Win With Your Data Visualizations uncovers the fundamentals of what makes a winning data story and has laid them out in 5 easy to understand parts you can immediately apply to your next...
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Book Length: 150-320 Pages
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Instant CEO: A Smart Girls Guide to Starting an Online Business by Jennifer Anderson
Date: 11/18/2021
From employee to CEO, your time has come to be the boss! Do you have an idea in your head that would make a great product but you have no idea what to do with it? Are...
Book Length: 60-150 Pages
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The Rocky Pathway (the Pathway Series Book 3) by Hazel Goss
Date: 11/18/2021
In June 2048, Daniel, aged thirteen, is enjoying a picnic with his family and friends at a Yorkshire tourist attraction called Brimham Rocks. While clambering amongst the rocks he finds a portal to the past...
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Book Length: 150-320 Pages
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Pembroke Prep by Becker Gray
Date: 11/17/2021
“A forbidden romance full of angst and delicious desire. You’re not going to want to leave Pembroke Prep.” – Amazon Top #10 bestselling author Ivy SmoakThe rich boy with a powerful family…The new girl with...
Book Length: 320-650 Pages
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