The Savage Path: A Memoir of Modern Masculinity by David Savage
Do you believe society needs genuine, healthy masculinity?
Masculinity, in any form, has been viciously attacked for decades with serious unintended consequences. We need boys to grow into responsible, productive men and fathers. We need their strength to face down evil, and they need a guide to help them navigate this new wilderness, to find and define their masculinity in the gender-confused world of today.
This memoir is filled with modern male friendships, advice, career tips for Christian men, and stories about Savage’s own experiences on a quest for answers. Savage hopes this will not only be able to help inform individuals, but that this work of God’s will writing for men will be a group ministry discussion- starter for adult Christian men.
In The Savage Path, David Savage uses humility and humor to highlight the hard-won wisdom gleaned along his path— – successes, failures, friendships, and family. Much of what he shares comes from real wilderness adventures. This is a quest memoir about Christian men and how they can live a physically, mentally, and morally healthy life in modern society.
Come sit by the campfire, feel its warmth, and let it draw you into the intimate storytelling environment that only its flickering flame and the expansive night sky can provide. You are entering a sacred place to engage in the genuine pursuit of authentic manhood.