The Happening at Bessbrook by Martha Ashwell
Ireland, 1904: Young Evie O’Dowd lives a humble life as a millworker in the Armagh village of Bessbrook. When a sudden illness strikes her down, her distraught family fear for her life. Miraculously, Evie is spared. When she recovers consciousness, she tells of wondrous, spiritual visions.
The local clergy believe Evie died, went to Heaven and has returned with a message for the world. They want to set up a place of pilgrimage in Bessbrook. Yet there are no miracles, no powers of healing. The community is fiercely divided; some believe her, others ridicule her.
A Church Commission of Enquiry is established to determine if Evie should be worthy of belief. She is also an object of intense curiosity in the medical profession. The psychological strain leads to her being admitted to an asylum.
Evie searches for meaning. Can she hold on to her truth and her beliefs—or will she allow others to confound her?
The Happening at Bessbrook is an inspirational story of courage in the face of doubt and how personal faith and determination can lead to the greatest fulfilment.