Monsieur Lapin Plays Hide and Seek by Rhona R. McMillan
If you haven’t already been introduced to Monsieur Lapin, he is a toy rabbit who has the amazing ability to move whenever he hears French spoken.
When he eventually works out what day it is, Monsieur Lapin is eager to know what the day holds in store for him. The prospect of a shopping trip does not appeal.
However, his luck changes when he makes the acquaintance of a lively little dog. He and his canine companion make a carefree twosome, but there are a few ups and downs along the way!
This, the second of Monsieur Lapin’s adventures, is once again sprinkled with French words and phrases together with their English meanings. This unique way of introducing French vocabulary to young readers is both fun and educational.
Genre: Children's
Book Length: 0-60 Pages