Leadership For The New Female Manager: The New Manager’s Guide to Mastering Leadership Skills: 21 Powerful Strategies for Coaching High-Performance Teams, Earning Respect & Influencing Up by Karina G. Sanchez
If you feel inadequate, you are not alone!
If you feel inadequate for a leadership role, there is no better way to prepare than to learn as much as you can about leadership now.
In Leadership For The New Female Manager, you'll discover:
● How to overcome imposter syndrome and feel comfortable leading people, even if you do not have as much experience as everyone else.
● How to evaluate your natural strengths, talents, and attributes, then use them to boost your influence in the workplace.
● A deep understanding of the human side of leadership that you will not find anywhere else to help you grow your leadership skills.
● How to draw information out of people in a gentle, authentic way and use the feedback to progress within your organization.
Leading a team early in your career is an excellent opportunity to excel significantly in your field. Simon Sinek once said, "A boss has a title. A leader has the people." In this book, you will learn how to be a leader of people.