Advertise With Us
Are you an author or publisher with a
free book to promote?
Perma Free is the ideal platform to connect your book with an audience of active readers seeking free titles.
Our Reach:
- Email Reach: Your promotion will be sent to 1,000 active and engaged readers through our email campaigns.
- Website Reach: Your book will be prominently displayed on the Perma Free daily deals page, ensuring enhanced visibility.
Promotion Details:
- Promotion Requirements: Your book must be listed as free to qualify for this promotion.
- Promotion Timeline:
- 1-day promotion designed for maximum visibility.
- Email newsletter sent at 9:00 AM MST.
Why Choose Us?
- Targeted Audience: Reach readers actively looking for free books.
- Enhanced Visibility: Appear on our website and in email campaigns for better engagement.
- Affordable and Effective: For just $9, showcase your book to a dedicated audience and boost downloads.
Ready to boost your book’s presence? Contact us today to learn more about our advertising options or to get started with your book promotion.
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