It’s not what you know… PETER OAKLEY Veteran Off-Spinner by Andrew Oakley
This story shows how a combination of strong social connections, resilience and a passion for sport shaped the life journey of Bedford cricket legend Peter Oakley.
So many great people influenced my Dad’s life: Ken McCanlis, The Brigadier, Tom Woolliscroft, Ron Gale, and the many connections made through Bedford Town Cricket Club and Bedford School, to name a few.
Make the most of your social network and enrich your life.
I hope you enjoy reading this series of anecdotal stories through the decades as much as I enjoyed writing the book and engaging with my Dad, together with his newspaper cuttings and ex-playing connections, to gain the detail that led to a wonderful, fulfilling life, underpinned by his infinite love for the game.
Trivia: What do Dick White, Bob Demming and David Eldridge have in common, when playing cricket with Dad? - Read on . . .