You’re Going To Be A Dad!: The New Dad’s Guide To Pregnancy and The First Year of Fatherhood by DaddiLife Books
Modern day dads are equal parents and want to be told so much more than just ‘don’t forget to put the beers away.’
This book is a result of 5 years understanding modern day dads; their specific worries and challenges, highs and lows, and offers fresh new insights from in-depth interviews with over 50 dads from all across the world, including their reflections from Covid-19, so that we can provide answers to the questions dads really want answers to.
This books takes a week-by-week view of pregnancy from a dad’s perspective by talking through the science first of what’s happening for mother and baby, as well as dads’ psychology. And it covers all the essential detail from bump to baby and through to their first birthday.
Book Length: 320-650 Pages